A Freemason seeks to better himself, his community, and the world. Freemasonry uses symbolism and allegory to teach ancient truths that transcend all religious, ethnic, and cultural differences. The world’s largest and oldest fraternity, it's goal is to promote personal freedom and the happiness of the Human Race. Its members believe that patriotism and brotherly love are key to a better society.
Our Lodge
The history of West Nashville Phoenix Lodge #131 dates back to October 4, 1847. Over the years we have met in many buildings throughout downtown and West Nashville. We now reside at 4607 Sloan Rd, in the heart of the Sylvan Park neighborhood. We have not missed a stated meeting since the Civil War. Many great men have came through the doors of our lodge, including business and community leaders, politicians, and 4 Grand Masters of the State of Tennessee. It is our goal to continue this rich tradition by building the next generation of great men in our community. In early 2020, we completed a total renovation of our Hall, ensuring we will continue to practice the royal art of Freemasonry for many decades to come.
Take a virtual tour of the Hall
Becoming A Freemason
Many men live a lifetime believing Freemasonry is an invitation only membership club. The truth is, you must instead ask a Mason to join. Part of being a “Free” Mason is that you must come of your own free will and accord, without persuasion. The minimum requirements in Tennessee to join Freemasonry are: being a man, at least 18 years of age, having a belief in a Supreme Being and in the immortality of the soul, being of good moral character, being recommended by two Master Mason members of the Lodge to which you desire to apply, and providing two references.
If you are interested in joining, contact us below to set an appointment to meet.

Contact Us
Lodge Address: 4607 Sloan Rd, Nashville TN, 37209
Lodge Phone: (615) 640-0909
Lodge Email: